上一張在09:50做的.....當時看到有Hyperacute T wave.....內心再次和自己說,"這病人是高危險群AMI".....
病患給了NTG 1# sl st,morphine 3 mg後症狀稍微緩解.....
上一張在10:20分所做看起來T wave更高.....
此時趕緊call for help,女兒和太太大叫,趕快救他.....EKG monitor顯示VT/Vf.....電擊了200 j(Biphasic).....回復正常心律.....30秒後,病患意識開始回復....
上一張為DC shock 200j後的心電圖變化.....
擷取一下ECG in Emergency Medicine and Acute care的一段針對Hyperacute T wave的文章
Hyperacute T Wave
In the ECG evolution of AMI, alteration in T wave morphology or amplitude may be the first sign of coronary occlusion (Fig. 32-4). Experimentally, these hyperacute T waves may form as early as 2 minutes after coronary ligation, but typically present within the first 30 minutes after a clinical event. Even at this early phase, there is only subendocardial ischemia without cell death. The first change to the T wave may be an oblique straightening of the ST segment (Fig. 32-4), followed by a subtle enlargement of the T wave, with diminishing R wave amplitude. The T waves, often bulky and wide, without much upward concavity, are localized to the area of injury. The J point is usually elevated, but may become depressed, with the T wave appearing to have its take-off below the isoelectric line (see Fig. 32-4). The ratio of T wave amplitude to QRS amplitude is a better indicator of AMI than T wave amplitude alone, and that ratio correlates with the duration of coronary occlusion. Reperfusion therapy begun while T waves are hyperacute has been demonstrated to correlate with a clinically better outcome because hyperacute T waves are a marker of early coronary occlusion.
上圖顯示四種hyperacute T wave的圖形